Thank you for your support of the Breakthrough T1D [EVENT NAME].

Please follow the steps below to submit your payment information:
  1. Check the box below for "I authorize Breakthrough T1D - XXX - XXXX to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event."

  2. Click "Next" and fill out your contact information and credit card information.

  3. Check the box for "I agree to pay future charges, when I authorize them, according to card issuer agreement."

  4. Click "Submit for Processing"

Please note, you will not be charged at this time. Your credit card will be charged post-event for any donations or purchases made on event day and a receipt will be sent via email. For questions, or to change your payment method before charges are processed, please reach out to [STAFF NAME] at 
I authorize Breakthrough T1D - National to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event FY26 BT1D Gala Template. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.